562. It is up to Santé Québec to determine whether an authorization provided for in this Title should be granted or, where applicable, renewed or modified. In exercising its discretion, Santé Québec takes into account the orientations established by the Minister, and any other factor it considers relevant. It also assesses(1) the need in the region for the services proposed by the applicant;
(2) the impact on the availability of the workforce to ensure continuity of the services offered in the region;
(3) the applicant’s ability to comply with the obligations arising from any condition Santé Québec intends to impose on them under section 564; and
(4) in the case of a decision relating to an authorization to operate a specialized medical centre within which non-participating physicians within the meaning of Health Insurance Act (chapter A-29) practise, the impact on the accessibility of insured medical services in the region.